Website on a Weekend Workshop


The workshop will take place Friday April 10th & Saturday April 11th – from 11am to 1pm CET and again from 4pm to 5pm CET.

6 in stock



  • Smash those Basics!
    Get yourself ready and set up upfront with the help of my Setup Workbook.
  • Colour me (b)right!
    NOT everything goes colour-wise. Let my Color Guide help you with that.
  • Rock that Font!
    How to choose the right fonts to have a professional website that suits YOU!
  • Stock images
    I sourced stock images for every occasion for you upfront! No time wasted!
  • Yes you Can(va)!
    A little graphic design ain’t hurt nobody. Have a tutorial upfront to hit it off.
  • Get Slack’in!
    Join our own Slack channel for support from me – and to support each other!
  • Viva la Recording
    The training will be recorded and is available for you to get back to.